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R3 - Scale Factors

R3 - Scale Factors
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R3 - How to work out Scale Factors and Enlarge Shapes by a Scale Factor

Is your child struggling with Ratio and Proportion? Are you looking for ways to help them understand how to use scale factors?

This series of videos uses images and animation to explian: what scale factors are; how to work out the scale factor enlargement from one shape to another; how to enlarge a shape by a given scale factor; how to solve scale factor probelms, such as how to work out the area of a shape following a scale factor enlargement and how to work out which of two shapes will be bigger following a scale factor enlargement. Also investigates what is meant by 'similar shapes' when one is bigger than the other.

From the Government Framework for Maths - Content Domian Reference:

6R3 solve problem involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found


Product CodeR3

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