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R2 - Percentage Calculation Problems

R2 - Percentage Calculation Problems
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R2 - Percentage Calculation Problems (Part of Ratio and Proportion strand)

Is your child struggling to know how to solve probelms involving percentages?

These videos form part of the Ratio and Proportion strand of maths and build on basic knowledge of percentages from the Fractions with Decimals and Percentages section.

Videos include: how to find percentages from amounts; how to find the amount of something based on a given percentage; how to incease or decrease amounts by a certain percenatge; and how to compare two percentage changes to find the best value or biggest percentage decrease.

From the Government Framework for Maths - Content Domain Reference:

6R2 solve problems involving the calculation of percentages [e.g. of measures such as 15% of 360] and the use of percentages for comparison


Product CodeR2

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