This has definitely been the strangest school summer holiday I can remember!
Too many things to catch up with, owing to the Covid-19 recommendations; no holiday in the sun (although the British weather hasn’t been too bad); lots of anxious parents asking me to help their children with maths they’ve missed during home-schooling; and never knowing which day of the week it is.
How about you? I hope you managed to get a bit of a break, at least.
The return to school for the autumn term is quickly approaching, along with all the concerns and uncertainties surrounding that: ‘Will my child go back to school?’ ‘Is there any point buying new school shoes and uniform?’ ‘Will my child have fallen behind?’
And if you have a child starting secondary school, that’s probably just one more source of anxiety you could do without.
I don’t have the solutions to these concerns, unfortunately. What I do have, however, are FREE MATHS TUTORIAL VIDEOS that you can access, should your child need to review some aspects of the curriculum before their return to school.
As a rule, all year groups in primary schools begin the autumn term with units on Number and Place Value, so I am giving FREE access to all videos in that section until 30th September 2020.
Whatever aspect of Place Value your child needs help with …
- understanding the base-10 place value system
- counting in steps of 10, 100 and 1,000
- reading and writing numbers (in numerals and in words)
- identifying the value of digits in multi-digit numbers
- reading and writing Roman numerals
- rounding numbers
- understanding how to calculate with negative numbers
… you can access those videos FREE by subscribing to my monthly newsletter (which gives regular access to free videos, news and special offers).
I’ve also added FREE access to Algebra videos for those of you who have children about to start Year 7 (Algebraic Notation is a popular first topic at secondary school.)
When you sign up, you’ll receive an email that includes links to units relevant to specific year groups (Year 3 up to Year 7); just click the tab for your child’s new year group to see which areas of maths they are likely to be working on in September – each unit with a direct link to the videos that will be most relevant for that unit.
There is a Voucher Code at the top of each document – this means you can get the recommended videos FREE at the checkout.
I am currently busy making worksheets to accompany each video in these sections, and these can be accessed through the link within each video.
* Current subscribers to my newsletter can currently get access to ALL videos ABSOILUTELY FREE until 2nd September 2020.
This is a special offer I set up at the beginning of the summer to help with the concerns surrounding Covid-19 and home-schooling.
There’s a link here to sign up and receive vouchers
if you’d like to take advantage of this before the offer ends!
Visit to see what’s been added since your last visit, and use your voucher at the checkout to get FREE videos until 30th September.